If you have an interest in investing and investment topics, you should take a look at the Blume Library’s most recent database acquisition:
Morningstar offers detailed information on over 20,000 stocks and mutual funds. Morningstar is famous for the quality of its mutual fund analysis. For mutual funds, you can read analysis on the fund’s performance, examine the fund’s performance over time, find out the fund’s current top five holdings, and get fund purchasing information. For stocks, the database includes detailed information such as analyst reports, ratings, prices, company financial statements, annual financial filings, and dividend and return information.
Morningstar also includes more sophisticated features. You can use the Screeners feature to build customized lists of stocks and/or mutual funds based on a variety of performance, ratings, cost, and management data. The database also offers a neat feature called the Portfolio X-Ray. With the X-Ray, you can enter investments from your own portfolio (or investments you are interested in) and get an idea of the portfolio’s strengths and weaknesses.
Morningstar is available online from the
Blume Library website. Students, staff, and faculty may access the database both on-campus and off-campus.
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