Thursday, December 13, 2007

Undergraduate Research Award 2008

Are you entering a project in the Undergraduate Research Symposium?

Consider applying for the
Second Annual Louis J. Blume Library Undergraduate Research Award

First Prize: $200
Second Prize: $100

The Award recognizes student researchers who demonstrate skill and originality in the application of library and other information sources in a research project.

You must enter the Undergraduate Research Symposium (deadline Friday, March 7, 2008) to be eligible for this Award.
Research Award application deadline: Monday, March 17, 2008
Photo of 2007 Louis J. Blume Library Undergraduate Research Award winning project posters.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

National Intelligence Report on Iran

The unclassified part of the National Intelligence estimate that has been in the news lately, dealing with Iran's nuclear weapons intentions and capabilities, can be found here. It is a nine-page summary of the reports conclusions. (If you have trouble with this link, try the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's home page. The full title of the report is "National Intelligence Estimate Key Judgments.")

Other important intelligence and assessment reports on Iraq were discussed in previous In Blume posts: see them below.