The Blume Library, in partnership with the Native American Student Association at St. Mary’s University, has created a display to celebrate Native American Heritage Month this November. The display is installed in the entryway of the Blume Library and will run from Nov. 1st-30th.
The artifacts on display are clothing and other items presented to Geronimo, leader of the Chiricahua Apaches during the late 19th century. Geronimo was imprisoned by the U.S. Government for raiding and for defying the resettlement of his people to an arid reservation in Arizona.
The display also includes books on Native American Studies, historical studies of Geronimo, and fiction by Native American authors. Books on display are available for checkout.
You can find out more information about Native American and about display though the Native American Heritage Month LibGuide on the Library website.
I encourage you to take time to celebrate Native American Heritage Month by visiting the display, learning more from the LibGuide, and taking advantage of the events sponsored by the Native American Student Association. Check out the University calendar for more details about upcoming events.