Monday, April 28, 2008

Congratulations to 2nd Annual Library Undergraduate Research Award recipients

On Friday, March 28, 2008, the recipients of the Second Annual Louis J. Blume Library Undergraduate Research Award were recognized at the Ninth Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. The awards recognize student researchers who demonstrate skill and originality in the application of library and other information sources in a research project.

The First Place Award of $200 was granted to Rita Lopez for her project, "The Influence and Adaptation of the Japanese Noh Theatre in William Butler Yeats’s 'At the Hawk’s Well'." Faculty mentors for the project were Dr. Alice Kersnowski and Dr. Frank Kersnowski.

The Second Place Award of $100 was given to Kristin Taylor Leslie for her project, "Performance Theory in Edith Wharton’s ‘The Age of Innocence’." Faculty mentors were Dr. Richard Pressman and Dr. Alice Kersnowski.

We thank all the students who took the time and effort to submit an application and proposal for the Award. We encourage students who are eligible to apply next year for the Louis J. Blume Library Undergraduate Research Award.

Congratulations to Rita and Kristin!

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