Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What's going on with the economy?

The current crazy economic situation is pretty confusing, but here are a few information sources that can help you make as much sense of it as it's possible to do.

Here is a link to the Treasury Department's press release, detailing the original bailout package. The Congressional Budget Office prepared this informational letter in response to a Congressman's request for cost details. Here's a link to the bill that was rejected on Monday, and here's the House of Representative's report on the bill. Be aware that the great amount of interest in these documents has overworked government servers on occasion the past few days. You might have to try more than once to get this material, especially if you have a slow connection.

Reliable, non-partisan news analysis can be found here in a series of articles on the National Public Radio website. They give you lots of links to background information.

Want a really different perspective? Here's what today's Times of London has to say.

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