Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Encyclopedia of Consciousness Awaits Exploration

The Encyclopedia of Consciousness, edited by William P. Banks (London: Academic Press, 2009) is a 2-volume background source, providing a summary of major research and scientific thought regarding the nature of consciousness, the neural circuitry involved, how the brain, body, and world interact, and our understanding of subjective states, in 79 in-depth entries. Entries range from Aesthetics and the Experience of Beauty to Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness to Religious Experience: Psychology and Neurology to William James on the Mind and Its Fringes. Many of these in-depth entries are divided into sections, and many include a glossary, bibliography, and brief biographical sketch of the entry's author. 407 images are included with this publication.

This resource is available 24/7 to current students, faculty, and staff through the Credo Reference database.

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